Unlimited access to creative resources

Around 80% of people planning to build a home want
to know about eco-friendly building materials. It’s time
to share the incredible green story of Timber Framing –
The Ultimate Renewable.

Access the suite of creative resources and use them to share how your organisation is helping tackle climate change.

Founding Funding Partners

The Collective

The Timber Framing Collective is responsible for the marketing of timber framing in Australia.

In a supply chain that boasts many branches, it’s important that everybody’s opinion is heard and all aspects of our industry are fully represented.

Timber is low cost

Timber framing can be prefabricated off site for maximum cost efficiency. Last-minute adjustments are easily made on site by skilled carpenters using their own tools. Extra timber is as close as the nearest hardware store, cut to the exact size required to avoid wastage.

Timber is long lasting

Through continual innovation, today’s lightweight timber framing can offer durability, termite resistance and fire predictability. Decades of experience have developed a building material that is trusted, safe and strong.

Timber is kinder to the planet

The use of timber framing in home construction naturally leads to the need to constantly plant new forests and re-plant existing ones. And every forest we plant helps reduce greenhouse gases and make our world a cleaner place.